Category Archives: Soho

A Slow Roast…….


Located in the heart of Soho on Greek street Bó Drake ( is an East Asian restaurant using slow cooked BBQ methods from the Americas and Europe. On first appearance it is slick, modern and fresh. I myself went there on a girly dinner on a Tuesday evening. It wasn’t crazy mad busy but had just about the right atmosphere for a weekday evening. All we wanted was something to pick on and some cocktails for a much needed catch up. I had never been there before myself but thought why not. The cocktails sound good and it’s a Tapas style menu, which is perfect for this type of evening.


We sat down and picked our way through the cocktail menu, it is not a menu full of pages and pages of choices, which I myself much prefer. When faced with too much choice I feel my decision-making skills are not up to par, sending me into a state of panic and breaking out into a cold sweat. I decided on a Ginsberg and my friend went for a Big Smoke. My drink was exactly what I needed Tequila mixed with Plum Wine and Rose Honeywater. I had to tell myself to drink slowly and not knock it back in one, yes that is how much I enjoyed it.

I had to force myself to order some food as I could have quite happily sat and worked my way through the cocktail list, but I was in no mood for a dirty kebab on the way home. They have a substantial menu consisting of Smalls, Meat, Veg, Sides and Sweets along with daily changing specials. We were not overly hungry so ordered very little. We had the Tuna Sashimi which was sliced perfectly served along side fennel, peashoots and togarashi and delicately dressed with lemon and rosemary. Tiny but tasty, and a good choice to accompany my cocktail.

From the meat we decided on the Smoked Rib Stack. The ribs are smoked with sweet chestnut wood and then covered in an Asian BBQ sauce. For my taste the ribs were a little dry and not meaty enough, but the sauce was very good. It was rather unfortunate that this was not the meaty showstopper I was hoping for. If I could have my menu choosing time again I would probably go for the Smoked Bobo Chicken or the Scottish Sirloin Tataki. It is funny as the ribs seemed to have been a favourite choice on the menu as every table around us seemed to have ordered them. Personally if visiting Bó Drake I would either go for a special or choose something else on the menu. Thankfully we also ordered broccoli from the specials and pickled cucumber and I kindly passed on my meat to my friend, she seemed to be really enjoying it. Maybe it was the effects of the cocktail or maybe I’m a meat fusspot.


I liked Bó Drake, I liked the décor the atmosphere and I really liked the cocktails. I would visit again but would be stricter on my menu choices. It’s a great place to go to if you happen to be planning a first date or like myself a catch up with a friend over cocktails, unfortunately the food did not blow me away but I would order the sashimi again. If you are looking for somewhere with great drinks, and not so much importance on the food then this is the place for you.

Happy Dining


I Think I’m Turning Japanese

Shackuyu ( has very quickly become one of my favourite places to eat. Located on Old Compton street in Made in Italy’s previous location this one year pop up, a brain child of Bone Daddies, is certainly taking food lovers taste buds by storm.


The menu is small and simple but full of exciting choices, which is aptly described as Japanese Soul food. I am very much a lets order a little of everything type person, and this tapas style set up works perfectly for a greedy girl like myself. Everything comes on small Falcon metal camping bowls or a classic willow pattern plate adding a nice bit of kitsch to the already rustic décor.

As always I have particular recommendations that one should pick on the menu. I myself whenever coming here with a friend will simply take charge. So here are my top Shackfuyu menu picks:

At number one we have Edamame! Unlike any edamame you may have picked up at your local Wasabi, this little soybean filled green shelled delight are slightly warmed and then covered in a sweet chilli soy sauce. You should order two portions of these as they are going to go fast and the sauce that they are bathing in is way better than a sprinkling of sea salt and soy you normally get. You will forever be craving your edamame to be dipped in a sweet chilli soy.

In at number two the Korean fried wings. You will want to order at least 3 portions or more of these. Trust me these are some of the best wings I have eaten in a very long time. The wings are battered deep fried and then covered in a sweet spicy nuclear red sticky sauce. Writing about it now is making my mouth water as the taste is explosive. These wings will turn you into a Neanderthal endlessly sucking on chicken bones and desperately licking every drop of sauce off your fingers and plate.

Number three the aubergine – 4 miso – bubu arare. I am not a fan of aubergine I generally find it rather slug like and the texture is not something I enjoy. At first when I came here with the ladies from my office I was staying open to their menu choices but it was not number one on my list. The aubergine is cooked to perfection it does not display its normal aubergine tendencies and has been turned into a very tasty vegetable. The sticky miso sauce it is cooked in is sweet, salty and sour all at the same time and the bubu arare (small puffed balls of glutinous rice) gently pop in your mouth making this the best aubergine ever! There is so much going on in this little bowl the textures, the flavours. If you do not try this dish on your first trip definitely pick it on your second.

At number four Prawn toast masquerading as okonomiyaki. I myself had no idea about okonomiyaki until I went to a great place which you can read about in a later post. Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savoury pancake which contains a variety of ingredients and then topped with very thin shavings of dried fish. This prawn toast has taken the elements of the Okonomiyaki and turned it on its head. Instead of your traditional deep fried prawn toast topped with sesame seeds this one is on a nice crisp piece of brioche and then topped with dried seaweed and dried fish shavings and served with a zingy miso mayonnaise which you will end up dipping anything edible in. If you like to experience fusion food and new food then get this, it really turns the prawn toast into an experience rather than the oil filled buffet accompaniment.

Number five the duck breast with pepper and orange ponzu. Cooked just on the right side of medium, thinly sliced and seasoned perfectly I would recommend adding this ducky delight to your order. The fat is rendered perfectly and the orange ponzu adds a refreshing twist on the classic duck à l’orange. It is not a huge portion so be prepared to only a little taste if sharing, or you can simply let it be known round the table that the duck is a no go area and if you require a taste order your own!

Sliding itself in at the end is the mentaiko mac and cheese with cock scratchings. On my first visit a man on the table next to us said ‘get the mac and cheese, it will change your life’ I did not order on my first visit but on my third. I was looking forward to it as this confident preacher had told me it would change my life and quite frankly anything that could make life a little better will always be tried. I was a little disappointed as it was a little dry and I wanted it to be more cheesy, but for a carb injection it certainly hits the spot and the salty cock scratchings on top are crispy and very satisfying.

The pièce de résistance is dessert and the only dessert on the menu, quite frankly I do not think anything else would be able to compete with this beauty. Kinako French toast with soft serve ice cream. This is possibly the best dessert in town, it really does deserve to have its name in lights. A triangle slice of brioche is soaked overnight and then fried dusted with roasted soybean flour and served with cold soft set ice cream. It is crispy on the outside and gooey and syrupy in the middle. It has a caramelised quality that is perfectly teamed with the matcha green tea ice cream. The perfect end to a winning meal.


I would recommend this place every day of the week simply to get my edamame fix. A great place for a friendly get together, or a working lunch. Being able to pick at bits means that it has a real friends and family feel. Thankfully Bone daddies have decided to make Shackfuyu a permanent feature so I can forever nibble on chicken wings and stuff my face on French toast. Huzzah!!

Happy Dining xx