Category Archives: Food

Allow me to re-introduce myself

Well hello world of the ever changing internet, I have decided to get my blog up and running again, I will be focusing on something I could not possibly live without, something so terribly important that every minute of every day is taken up by the thought of it – and that thing ladies and gentlemen is food.

Food glorious food, no matter what diet I am on, whether I am eating or not eating all I think about is food. My passion has grown so strong in the past couple of years that I have increased my collection of cookery books from one measly Jamie Oliver pukka meals, to an incredible amount that even my book shelve looks at me in utter distress on the strain I have put it under.

I have been going to lots of new places to dine, drink and laugh for many years and seeing as London is my home and playground, what better way to express my love for everything it has to offer but through written word. My thinking behind my new adventure in writing is to go to all the places and eat all the food and drink all the drink, and in doing so write about my experiences and all the fabulousness in the hopes that my experience could help in your own adventures in London.

Come on, if its on the internet it must be true right? So if your planning your next most excellent partying event, or looking for that amazing place to take a special someone, hopefully you can find it all here. I’m doing all the ground work for you so you don’t have to. Essentially I am your food, drink and fun times spirit guide, so come grab me by the virtual hand and join me on this journey of debauchery.

So here’s to a new chapter, and in all honesty I am just super excited about the food.

